6127 North La Cholla Blvd, #101, Tucson, AZ 85741
Skin Spectrum

Hair is unique to the individual, and hair loss can have a devastating effect on self-esteem and confidence. Our dermatology experts appreciate the link between cosmetic procedure results and enhanced self-esteem. PRP for hair loss is a state-of-the-art treatment that uses growth factors present in the patient’s blood to stimulate new hair growth in the follicles of the scalp.


Human blood is made of blood cells and plasma. Blood cells, which include red blood cells and white blood cells, are suspended in plasma. A component of the plasma is miniscule specialized cells called platelets.

Platelets are responsible for clot formation and are considered a reservoir for growth-promoting factors. Additionally, platelets stimulate tissue recovery and are responsible for the enhancement of hair follicle functions.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is processed blood with an increased concentration of platelets, achieved by removing red and white blood cells. PRP is harvested from the patient’s blood itself and injected into the scalp to promote new growth by restoring blood flow to the hair follicles.


The ideal candidates for PRP hair restoration are individuals who have experienced hair loss but are not completely bald. Ideal patients are non-smokers; smoking is known to increase the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the blood, which is a known cause of skin issues.

We do not recommend PRP hair restoration to patients who experience hair loss due to a medical skin condition. Also, those with genetic disorders such as hemodynamic instability, platelet dysfunction syndrome, hypofibrinogenemia, and thrombocytopenia are not eligible.


Before the procedure, our experienced providers will review in detail your medical history, medication intake, nutrition, haircare regimen, recent surgeries, and history of hair loss. Tests such as a scalp biopsy and blood tests may also be prescribed to assess your eligibility for the procedure.


The PRP hair restoration procedure is largely divided into two processes. The first process is the extraction of PRP from the blood, and the second is injection into marked sections on the scalp.

PRP extraction begins with the drawing of a small amount of your blood. The blood is then processed to separate the blood cells from plasma. Another round of processing is performed to concentrate the PRP.

In the second stage, marked areas on the scalp are prepped with the application of a disinfectant. The PRP is then injected through a micro needle.


PRP for hair loss is not associated with any downtime, and patients can usually return to their daily schedule immediately. It is common to experience some tenderness or soreness in the treated areas, but these are only temporary.

We typically recommend a series of four treatments spaced four weeks apart, with one maintenance treatment every three to six months.