Skinformation: Microneedling
My friend has been getting a skin treatment called “microneedling” and says she really notices an improvement on her face. I’m interested in trying it, but I’d like to know more about it first.
Microneedling is a very popular procedure that is used to stimulate collagen production in the skin. This is definitely a plus–we want all the collagen we can get! Young, firm skin is full of collagen, but it diminishes over the years (picture a four year old’s cheek. Now think about yours). We use microneedling to improve fine lines, texture, pores, acne scars, and stretch marks. It is safe for all skin types, ages, and colors. For the best results, we use microneedling as part of a comprehensive program including anti- aging nutrition and a good skin-care program. In some cases we recommend microneedling in combination with other treatments such as lasers for maximal improvement.