Skinformation: Best Skincare Program
Q. I want to take better care of my skin, so I’ve been reading up on the topic and asking friends what they’re using, but it’s still not clear to me what the best skin cream is. What do you think is the best product out there? A. Finding routine can feel like a daunting
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Skinformation: August 2024 End of Summer Checklist
END-OF-SUMMER HEALTHY SKIN CHECKLIST As the end of summer approaches, it’s a good time to re-evaluate your skin regimen. Summer can be a rough season for skin, from intense ultraviolet rays, to heat, humidity, and more time spent outdoors. Restart your retinoid: Many patients stop using retinoids (such as retinol and tretinoin) during the summer
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Skinformation: Dry sensitive skin
Q: I have very dry, sensitive skin, and my face easily gets red. I’ve heard that retinol is good for wrinkles and breakouts, however, it makes my face very irritated, and I have to stop using it. Is there anything else I can use that would benefit my skin without the irritation? A: One of
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Skinformation: Wrinkles and sagging skin
Q: I’m turning 90 this year! My family is planning a big celebration and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone. However, when I think about the party, I find myself wishing that I looked better. I have wrinkles and sagging that make me look older and tired, even though I feel great. Can I have
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Skinformation: Plated Skincare Products
Q: My friend swears by a skin serum that contains growth factors and says I should use it too. Are growth factors good for the skin? A: For years we have recommended skin care products that contain growth factors to our patients. Growth factors are substances that are produced naturally by our own body, but
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Skinformation: New Year’s Resolutions for Best Skin
Sun protection – Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen every day, whether it’s winter or summer, cover up with clothing and a hat, and avoid outdoor activities between the peak sunlight hours of 10:00 and 4:00 Anti-inflammatory diet – Eat whole foods, leafy greens, brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as berries, cherries, and tomatoes, olive
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Skinformation: Acne in Adolescents
Q: My daughter is going back to college next month. She has acne and it gets worse when she is away at school because she is busy and doesn’t always use her medication, she feels stressed, and she doesn’t eat the healthiest food. There isn’t a dermatologist near her campus. Is there anything she can
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Skinformation: Uneven skin, brown spots from summer
Q: I’ve had a wonderful summer. I’ve traveled to visit family, spent some time at the beach, and played some golf. I wore sunscreen every day, but I wasn’t as diligent about using my other skin products. Now as I look in the mirror, my skin looks tired and my brown spots are more visible
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Skinformation: Exfoliation
Q: I’ve read that I should exfoliate my skin. Is this true, and if so, what’s the best way to do it? A: Exfoliation is necessary to make our skin healthy and look its best. What is exfoliation? It is simply removing old, dead cells from the skin surface. Exfoliating improves dullness, flaking, fine lines,
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Skinformation: Teen Acne
Q: My daughter is in high school. She’s been getting a lot of pimples on her face, and she feels very self-conscious about it. She wishes she didn’t have to go to school because she’s embarrassed about her face. What is the best way I can help her? A: As we all know, the teenage
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