Skinformation: Hyperpigmentation
Q. I was taking a hot pan out of the oven and burned my wrist. It was very red, swollen, and painful, but eventually, it got better. However, that was two months ago and I still have a dark brown scar. Will this ever go away or is it something I’ll always have? Q. When
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Skinformation: Acne in Adolescents

Q: My daughter is going back to college next month. She has acne and it gets worse when she is away at school because she is busy and doesn’t always use her medication, she feels stressed, and she doesn’t eat the healthiest food. There isn’t a dermatologist near her campus. Is there anything she can
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Skinformation: Exfoliation

Q: I’ve read that I should exfoliate my skin. Is this true, and if so, what’s the best way to do it? A: Exfoliation is necessary to make our skin healthy and look its best. What is exfoliation? It is simply removing old, dead cells from the skin surface. Exfoliating improves dullness, flaking, fine lines,
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Skinformation: Teen Acne

Q: My daughter is in high school. She’s been getting a lot of pimples on her face, and she feels very self-conscious about it. She wishes she didn’t have to go to school because she’s embarrassed about her face. What is the best way I can help her? A: As we all know, the teenage
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