Skinformation: Lip lines

Q: The only place on my face where I have wrinkles is around my lips. I feel that they have a very aging effect on my appearance. Also, I find that my lipstick bleeds into these lines. What do you recommend for this problem? A: The skin around the mouth is predisposed to developing lines,
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Skinformation: PRP

Q: A friend of mine is getting a treatment called PRP to help with her thinning hair problem, and she’s noticing some improvement. My hair is beginning to thin too, so I’m very interested in it. Do you recommend PRP? A: For anyone not familiar with PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, it is a treatment
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Skinformation: Exfoliation

Q: I’ve read that I should exfoliate my skin. Is this true, and if so, what’s the best way to do it? A: Exfoliation is necessary to make our skin healthy and look its best. What is exfoliation? It is simply removing old, dead cells from the skin surface. Exfoliating improves dullness, flaking, fine lines,
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Skinformation: Teen Acne

Q: My daughter is in high school. She’s been getting a lot of pimples on her face, and she feels very self-conscious about it. She wishes she didn’t have to go to school because she’s embarrassed about her face. What is the best way I can help her? A: As we all know, the teenage
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Skinformation: Daxxify

Q: Today, a friend asked me “what’s wrong?” I told her I was fine, then she explained that I look like I’m frowning and upset. I looked in the mirror and saw that she was right! I don’t want people to think that I’m angry all the time. A quick internet search told me there
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Skinformation: Winter Skincare

Q: Now that it’s winter, should I do anything differently with my skincare? A: In many parts of the country, winter means frigid temperatures and severely dry skin. Since we’re blessed with mild winters here in Tucson, winter may mean something completely different for our skin. The cooler weather here is a great opportunity to
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Skinformation: New year’s resolution

Q: One of my new year’s resolutions is to take better care of my skin. But I’ve realized that I’m not sure exactly what that entails! What are the things that I should be doing for my skin? A: We love this new year’s resolution! The goal is to have healthy skin. Healthy skin is
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Skinformation: New Year’s Eve Party

Q: I’m going to a New Year’s Eve party and I want to look fantastic! But I can’t do anything that involves bruising, swelling, or obvious healing. Any suggestions? A: Okay, you’ve got four weeks and we may have just what you’re looking for! Perhaps one of the most common wishes that our patients have,
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Skinformation: Filler

Q: Filler injections seem to be a very popular treatment. Sometimes fillers look great, but sometimes people look puffy and have huge lips. What is the difference? I’ve read about fillers being used in other areas of the face. Can you explain what it does, and if it would be beneficial for me? A: Filler
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Skinformation: Lips

Q: My lips don’t look as pretty as they did when I was younger. I think they look crepey and flat. I’d like them to look better, but on the other hand I don’t want to do anything that would look too obvious. What would you recommend? A: Just like the rest of our face,
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